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Fiction Book Genres

Fiction Book Genres – What genre is your book? Find out here using our free Book Genre Finder. Scroll below to click on the individual links for detailed fiction genre definitions and examples. Or click here to see all Nonfiction Genres and Book Genres for Kids.

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Fiction Book Genres – Book Genres & Sub-Genres

Book Genre Dictionary | Fiction Book Genres

Click here to view Fiction Genres (A-L).



Monster Fiction Genre

Multicultural Fiction Genre

Murder Mystery Genre

Mystery Genre

Mythic Fiction Genre

Narrative Fiction Genre

New Adult Genre

Noir Genre

Occult Fiction Genre

Paranoid Fiction Genre

Paranormal Fiction Genre

Parody Genre

Period Piece Fiction Genre

Philosophical Fiction Genre

Poetry Genre

Police Procedural Genre

Political Fiction Genre

Post-Apocalyptic Genre

Prose Genre

Psychological Fiction Genre

Psychological Thriller Genre

Pulp Fiction Genre

Realistic Fiction Genre

Religious Fiction Genre

Romance Genre

Romantic Comedy Genre

Satirical Fiction Genre



Science Fiction Genre

Short Story Genre

Slasher Fiction Genre

Slice of Life Fiction Genre

Southern Fiction Genre

Southern Gothic Genre

Speculative Fiction Genre

Sports Fiction Genre

Spy Fiction Genre

Steampunk Fiction Genre

Supernatural Fiction Genre

Survival Fiction Genre

Suspense Genre

Techno-thriller Genre

Thriller Genre

Tragedy Genre

Urban Fantasy Genre

Upmarket Fiction Genre

Urban Fiction Genre

Utopian Fiction Genre

Vampire Fiction Genre

Werewolf Fiction Genre

Western Genre

Whodunit Fiction Genre

Women’s Fiction Genre


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