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Fiction Genres

Fiction genres books and movies graphicFiction Genres – How many genres of fiction are there, and what are the correct definitions for each of them? Click on the fiction genre links below for detailed definitions and examples. Or click here to see all Nonfiction Genres and Book Genres for Kids using our Book Genre Finder.

Books that fit into fiction genres are forms of work that deal with, in part or whole, information or events that are not real. The people, places, and circumstances are imaginary or theoretical, developed from the mind or ideas of the author. The stories are inventions or fabrication opposed to fact. Works that fit into fiction genres are often found in the forms of short stories or novels.

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Fiction Genres – Book Genres & Sub-Genres

Book Genre Dictionary | Fiction Genres

Click here to view Fiction Genres (M-Z).



Action Genre

Action Adventure Genre

Adventure Genre

Alternate History Genre

Apocalyptic Genre

Biographical Fiction Genre

Black Comedy Genre

Chick Lit Genre

Christian Fiction Genre

Comedy Genre

Coming of Age Fiction Genre

Commercial Fiction Genre

Contemporary Fantasy Genre

Contemporary Fiction Genre

Contemporary Realistic Fiction

Crime Fiction Genre

Dark Fantasy Genre

Detective Fiction Genre

Disaster Thriller Genre

Drama Fiction Genre

Dystopian Genre

Epic Fiction Genre

Erotic Fiction Genre

Espionage Genre

Ethnic Fiction Genre

Faction Genre



Fable Genre

Fairy Tale Genre

Family Saga Genre

Fan Fiction Genre

Fantasy Genre

Fiction Genre

Flash Fiction Genre

Folktale Genre

Gangster Fiction Genre

Gay Fiction Genre

General Fiction Genre

Ghost Story Genre

Glitz Fiction Genre

Gothic Fiction Genre

Graphic Novel Genre

Hardboiled Crime Fiction

Historical Fiction Genre

Horror Genre

Inspirational Fiction Genre

Legal Fiction Genre

Lesbian Fiction Genre

Literary Fiction Genre

Magical Realism Genre

Mainstream Fiction Genre

Military Fiction Genre

Modern Fiction Genre


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