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Hardboiled Crime Fiction Genre – What’s the best definition for the hardboiled crime genre? The hardboiled genre is a sub-genre of the crime genre. The stories in the hardboiled crime genre are closer to a detective – they emphasize emotions of apprehension, horror, terror, or awe that the detective feels as they investigate a crime. They involves more emotion rather than cynicism, often portray through self-talk of the detective.

There are three other common plots in crime fiction: whodunit, murder mystery, and gangster.

Scroll below now to see 25 hardboiled crime fiction genre examples,
or click here to see all fiction genres.

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hardboiled crime fiction genre book coverHardboiled Crime Fiction Genre – Examples

Review this list of popular examples to help you get a better understanding of the hardboiled crime fiction genre.

1. 361 by Donald E. Westlake

2. Double Indemnity by James M. Cain

3. The Postman Always Rings Twice by James M. Cain

4. Killshot by Elmore Leonard

5. Drive by James Sallis

6. A Swell-Looking Babe by Jim Thompson

7. After Dark, My Sweet by Jim Thompson

8. The Killer Inside Me by Jim Thompson

9. Die a Little by Megan Abbott

10. Red Harvest by Dashiell Hammett

11. Devil in a Blue Dress by Walter Mosley

12. Death Wish by Brian Garfield

13. Honey in his Mouth by Lester Dent

14. Cropper’s Cabin by Jim Thompson

15. Everybody Pays: Stories by Andrew Vachss

16. The Mercenaries by Donald E. Westlake

17. Mermaid by Margaret Millar

18. L’orologiaio di Everton by Georges Simenon

19. The Blue Room by Georges Simenon

20. Stop This Man! by Peter Rabe

21. Sleeping Dogs by Thomas Perry

22. The Talented Mr. Ripley by Patricia Highsmith

23. Strangers on a Train by Patricia Highsmith

24. Cotton Comes to Harlem by Chester Himes

25. A Rage in Harlem by Chester Himes

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Hardboiled Crime Fiction Genre – Related Book Genres

* Crime Fiction Genre

* Detective Fiction Genre Definition

* Drama Genre Definition

* Gangster Genre

* Murder Mystery Genre

* Whodunit Definition

Click here now to see all
fiction genres.

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