Fitness Book Genre – What’s the best definition for the fitness genre? Books in the fitness nonfiction genre are about exercises and other things one can do to keep their body healthy and fit. There are many books in this genre that focus on how to exercise and train to improve the overall wellness and strength of the human body. The fitness genre also has books about foods that help the body and necessary nutrients.
Scroll below now to see 25 fitness nonfiction genre examples,
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Fitness Book Genre – Examples
Review this list of popular examples to help you get a better understanding of the fitness nonfiction genre.
1. A Cancer Prevention Guide for the Human Race by Robert A. Wascher
2. Adult’s Guide To Better Swimming by Katie Smith
3. Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen by Christopher McDougall
4. Breaking Up with Gluten: Ways to Clean Out Your Gut and Save Your Butt! by Roxanne N McDonald
5. Congruent Exercise: How To Make Weight Training Easier On Your Joints by Bill DeSimone
6. Fit for Life: Reach Your Personal Best – And Stay There by Ranulph Fiennes
7. Fit in 15: 15-Minute Morning Workouts that Balance Cardio, Strength and Flexibility by Steve Stiefel
8. Fresh Fruit Cleanse: Detox, Lose Weight and Restore Your Health with Nature’s Most Delicious Foods by Leanne Hall
9. Getting Stronger by Bill Pearl
10. In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto by Michael Pollan
11. Pilates Plus: Grown-Up Pilates for 50+ by Alan Herdman
12. Raw Food Cleanse: Restore Health and Lose Weight by Eating Delicious, All-Natural Foods ? Instead of Starving Yourself by Penni Shelton
13. Rugby for Real by Chris Sheryn
14. Science and Practice of Strength Training by Vladimir M. Zatsiorsky
15. Solitary Fitness by Charles Bronson
16. Spartan Up!: A Take-No-Prisoners Guide to Overcoming Obstacles and Achieving Peak Performance in Life by Joe De Sena
17. Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training by Mark Rippetoe
18. Super Cleanse: Detox Your Body for Long-Lasting Health and Beauty by Adina Niemerow
19. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey
20. The 7 values diet by Molly Hunter
21. The Arthritis Exercise Book: Gentle, Joint-By-Joint Exercises to Keep You Flexible and Independent by Gwen Ellert
22. The Girl’s Fitness Guide: Expert Coaching for the Young Woman Who Wants to Look and Feel Her Best by Gheorghe Muresan
23. The Healthy Skin Diet: Your Complete Guide To Beautiful Skin In Only 8 Weeks! by Karen Fischer
24. The Thigh Gap Hack: The Shortcut to Slimmer, Feminine Thighs Every Woman Secretly Desires by Camille Hugh
25. The Thin Woman’s Brain: Re-wiring the Brain for Permanent Weight Loss by Dilia Suriel
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Fitness Book Genre – Related Book Genres
* General Nonfiction Book Genre
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