Gardening Book Genre – What’s the best definition for the gardening genre? Books in the gardening nonfiction genre are about how to seed, grow, identify, and use plants that you can plant in a garden. The books in this genre explain in depth how one would go about making and keeping a garden. They will tell you how to identify plants, how to take care of them, and if they have any food or healing values once you do. Gardening genre books can also be about different types of gardens and their purposes for the ground/soil and the environment.
Scroll below now to see 25 gardening nonfiction genre examples,
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Gardening Book Genre – Examples
Review this list of popular examples to help you get a better understanding of the gardening nonfiction genre.
1. A Year at North Hill: Four Seasons in a Vermont Garden by Joe Eck
2. All New Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew
3. An Island Garden by Celia Thaxter
4. Botany for Gardeners by Brian Capon
5. Bringing Nature Home: How Native Plants Sustain Wildlife in Our Gardens by Douglas W. Tallamy
6. Carrots Love Tomatoes: Secrets of Companion Planting for Successful Gardening by Louise Riotte
7. Deer-Resistant Landscaping: Proven Advice and Strategies for Outwitting Deer and 20 Other Pesky Mammals by Neil Soderstrom
8. Dirr’s Hardy Trees and Shrubs: An Illustrated Encyclopedia by Michael A. Dirr
9. Four-Season Harvest: Organic Vegetables from Your Home Garden All Year Long by Eliot Coleman
10. Heirloom Vegetable Gardening: A Master Gardener’s Guide to Planting, Seed Saving, and Cultural History by William Woys Weaver
11. In Your Garden by Vita Sackville-West
12. Jerry Baker’s Giant Book of Garden Solutions: 1,954 Natural Remedies to Handle Your Toughest Garden Problems by Jerry Baker
13. Lasagna Gardening: A New Layering System for Bountiful Gardens: No Digging, No Tilling,No Weeding, No Kidding! by Patricia Lanza
14. Practical Science For Gardeners by Mary Pratt
15. Rodale’s Ultimate Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening: The Indispensable Green Resource for Every Gardener by Fern Marshall Bradley
16. Second Nature: A Gardener’s Education by Michael Pollan
17. Seed to Seed: Seed Saving and Growing Techniques for Vegetable Gardeners by Suzanne Ashworth
18. The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady by Edith Holden
19. The Garden Primer by Barbara Damrosch
20. The One-Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka
21. The Ruth Stout No-Work Garden Book: Secrets of the Famous Year-Round Mulch Method by Ruth Stout
22. The Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture by Wendell Berry
23. The Vegetable Gardener’s Bible: Discover Ed’s High-Yield W-O-R-D System for All North American Gardening Regions by Edward C. Smith
24. The Well-Tended Perennial Garden: Planting and Pruning Techniques by Tracy DiSabato-Aust
25. Western Garden Book by Kathleen Norris Brenzel
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Gardening Book Genre – Related Book Genres
* General Nonfiction Book Genre
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